Thursday, January 05, 2006

You tell me why!

Why is this white girl on MADE trying to rap? She looks like she doesn't even like hip hop or the culture! She's completely clueless! As a matter of fact she kinda looks like Alicia Silverstone....

Why is Bow Wow still wearing that grill? Is he trying to look unattractive?

Why is this One Wish song Ray J's big hit? Its the worst thing I've ever heard. I've been a fan for years, now I can't watch anything he does. I used to wanna marry Ray J until that whole Lil' Kim thing. Then I felt like he was tainted. Sorry, but anybody that's been with Lil' Kim is tainted.

Why did I hear that someone really said I was crazy? I started thinking about all the "crazy" things I might have done. Couldn't think of any. If you can think of some let me know. I'm very interested. I'm not saying its not true, just saying bring me some evidence.

Why do I have so much stuff? Everytime I look up its something else I forgot to pack!

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