Thursday, March 29, 2007

How do I do that?

What do you do when a friend of yours just starts trippin out? Stops answering the phone. Extremely attitudinal. What do you do if this is a friend you haven't known for long? And you don't know their habits? I mean, what I wanna do is hit her upside the head. I asked God what I should do and He said 'Love her'. I was like, OK, but how do I do that?

So, I called her on Tuesday. No answer. Apparently she is answering her phone now, but I don't know what I might say. So I'm not gonna call. I'ma wait till I see her and hope I've calmed down enough not to blow up. I'm praying constantly.

I got this revelation a couple months ago. Nothing in life is personal. The Bible says, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places Eph 6:12. So basically, the things that happen to you and me have nothing to do with us. It has to do with that spiritual wickedness in the world.

So in keeping with that, I know its not personal. But because I have emotions, it hurts my feelings a lil and that's not easy to do.

Monday, March 12, 2007

The big 2-4

Oh my goodness. I had the best birthday weekend ever!!

Started on Friday when my girls picked me up from work and took me shopping! All I really wanted for my birthday was not to be bothered. Last year I ended up baby-sitting and running around for others. My birthday was basically stolen from me. I took it back this year.

Saturday, I got my hair done (which took most of the day) and we had a candle light ceremony of friendship and I gave my girls lock and key necklaces. I always lost my keys, actually I lose almost everything, so it was a lil inside joke for us. I just told everyone else we got the keys to the Kingdom.

Sunday, my actual birthday, we went to church had a wonderful service. I know I looked fabulous. I got this black dress and wore my hot pink shoes. Great outfit. Anyway afterward, we went to eat and then to the mall. I don't think I've ever had an experience like this in my life. First of all, we only went in for one thing. It was five of us. We walked in like we owned the mall and from the moment we stepped in the door heads were turning. It was sooo crazy. I remember going down the escalator and passing this guy. His eyes and mouth wide open, going from top to bottom saying, " God".

Yeah that's fabulous.

I just had a really great, awesome weekend.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Exposure brings empowerment

So yeah we had our college Encounter about a week ago. It really awesome and amazingly easy this time. So much more than the last one because God really handled everything. One thing that I got from this Encounter for myself was security. True security. I felt like God was really residing with me the whole time. I really prepared spiritually for this Encounter and it paid off. I saw some gifts manifest in a way that blew me away. And I felt a real connection to the girls in my small group.

One of my friends came and I was really glad to see her. I didn't know how she would react this Encounter, but I had to let God handle it. At first, I knew I hadn't completely given it to God because I was always checking up on her like she was my child. Making sure she was socializing, eating, stuff like that. And then I realized I was starting to take it personally because she wasn't responding in the way that most of the others were responding. Good or bad. So God had to take a sidebar with me. He said, "She's not rejecting you, she's rejecting me. I'll handle this." So I took my hands off of it. When I felt led I talked to her about it. There's a process He takes us through for us to know He's really real and I believe this was the beginning for her.

Lots of things going on. I'm trying to stay consistent as a leader, in life and at work. Time to re-evaluate. Just started taking some classes. A solo vocalist class and a drawing class. I just found out that my teacher worked with Lauryn Hill! L-Boogie! I just saw Dave Chappelle's Block Party and we were all talking about how effortless she made it seem. I'm pumped about it, but its also one more responsibility to add to the pile of stuff I have to do. The drawing class feels like a refresher course. I sorta wish I had taken the digital art class. Maybe next time.

It's pressing time. I feel like lemon getting squeezed. It's tight but its RIGHT!