Wednesday, January 25, 2006

You make it hard for women like me.....

I had a super fun day! Even though I got a late start in the day, I was still running off the high from yesterday.I joined that thing called Xuqa. I have no idea why. Its just one more thing to look at on the internet.

When Milyaka got home from class her friends Shannon, Ashley and Tiffany came over and we started discussing the pageant Shannon is in next week. She's so expressive, I'm sure she will do well. She plans to take it all, no second place for Shannon. Then we all went to this vintage store to look for a costume for her talent portion. She's doing Miss Celie's Blues from The Color Purple. I had to comment that my friend Adrianne did the same song for the Miss Hampton pageant and warned her to be careful that her feather boa doesn't get in the way of her mic. And I must also mention that Adrianne was severely cheated in that pageant. She did so well.

Anyway, the vintage store was really cool but too expensive for my budget. Me being the go with the flow type of gal I am, I just went with the flow that led to this gospel music class that Shannon was trying to get into and that Ashley was already apart of. Oh it was sooo much fun! We had to make up new variation of a song. Make it our own. My group did 'This little light of mine'. By far the best song of the class. Then we sang a few more songs and I was singled out to ad lib a lil of the song. It wasn't the best but it felt good. I almost went into worship! But Milyaka's friend Ashley! She looks like a Black version of Reese Witherspoon. Although fair skinned, still Black. She has an amazing voice.

Shannon and I bonded throughout this experience, exchanged phone numbers and everything. Then the cherry on the dessert is that I went to see Pride and Prejudice with Milyaka's roomate Sarah. Oh this movie was sooo beautiful. It was awesome. This day has made me use words that I don't even use like "super-fun" and "awesome". Even though I didn't get to spend that much time with Milyaka, I really like her friends. That was one of my fears about coming back here, not liking her friends. They are all so expressive and they are all so helpful towards one another, but they know where to draw boundaries. I had a great time today. I think what made this day so good for me is because I haven't this good a time since I was back in VA.

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