Monday, January 09, 2006

I'm here

Made it to Tulsa. I'm trying to adjust to the thought that I may be here for an undetermined amount of time. I don't know if I'm gonna make it. Pray for me y'all. I feel bad about not wanting to be here with my family. I love em but I just hate it here. My baby doesn't even remember me. It's gonna take some time. All the other people from Tulsa can't wait to get back here. I can't wait to leave. I need my independence. Let that be my motivation.

Highlight: I got to see Tiff today. I had a 2 hour layover in Baltimore and she came and picked me up. We went to eat at Arundel Mills mall. She's still trying to hook me up with her friend. I'm still not interested.I mean not romantically, only as a friend. He's a cool guy, I'm just not there yet. Getting back to the airport was interesting. We decided to ask this cab driver how to get back. She says. "We're going that way if you can keep up." So we're thinking this is great. Then the cab driver proceeds to take off like she just robbed a bank and we were the cops. Zig-zagging through traffic. I think she was at least ten cars ahead of us after the light changed. Thank God we made it back in time. I ended up running through the airport because my plane was already boarding when I got back.

Last night I had my last Sunday dinner in Hampton. Holly made me cry. She hung on a lil too long and the tears started to flow. She promised me a blog every week. I want my blogs too! Lemme find out that my friends a planning a trip to the toy store to buy me a vibrator. Not my idea folks. One of them told me after she got hers she called her man friend and told him she didn't need him anymore. The other one said no man can do that to me in less than ten seconds. I'm open to a new experience, but I like a warm body to accompany that kinda feeling. If it can get me to tolerate staying in Tulsa, I'll take it.

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