Tuesday, March 22, 2005


This is my song!!

Garbage~Only Happy When It Rains

Let's discuss this word for sec. Do you think it's a curse word? I used to think it was a bad word when I was younger, but now I use it all the time. Well I've said a lot worse but when I don't say any other foul words, I still use this one. Why? Because I know people that don't curse regularly who use this word. Well anyway these are some things that piss me off. Notice my restraint as I keep from using curse words in this entry.

1. Spelling errors or slang in professional papers. They just bother me sometimes.

2. When people talk about my size, leave me alone!

3. When guys call me sweetie or sweetheart, I HATE THAT! It makes me feel like they are patronizing me.

4. People that bring up stuff you did 10 years ago when it was supposed to be over with then. Sometimes the past needs the stay in the past....Which leads me to:

5. When guys come up you 7 years later and say, "You know I really liked you back then, I was just too shy to talk to you.....Can I have your number now?".....Now this is the wench coming out of me, but what makes you think I liked you back then? And what makes you think I like you now? What makes you think I'm the same person I was then? That just makes me feel like you was a punk then and you probably a punk now just a few years older.

As you can see I have experience with this one. This has happened to me more than twice. I always get passed up the first time and it never quite works out the same after that.

6. When your friends let you go out lookin a mess. What are friends for anyway? They know your hair is ugly but yet they let you go out like that. *shakin my head*

7. Gold Teeth Just Piss Me Off

8. Repitition. When it comes to tasks I can only do the same thing for a lil while, then I get bored. But I hate when people keep sayin the same thing over and over again and I hate repeating myself.

9. I hate when people insult someone to praise others. For example someone says "She flat irons hair better than anyone I know. I mean I used to think you were the best, but you don't hold a candle to her!" Why did you have to bring me into it? You already said she's better than anyone you know. I would assume that includes me. Thanks for making me feel inferior.

10. Visible hair gel, bright lipstick on black women, blue eyeshadow on black women, rubber rain boots.........

11. Just cus I don't react the way you want me too doesn't mean I'm not being sincere. My sister would do that to me all the time. She would ask what I thought about her outfit. I'd say, "It's cute." Then she would blow up at me, "What do you mean? Why did I ask you anyway? Blah blah blah." Just because I didn't do cartwheels when I saw it doesn't mean I didn't mean what I said. Geez.

12. Don't ask for my opinion if you don't really wanna hear my answer.

If I think of some more I'll let you know......Nah nevermind, I'm gettin mad just thinking about all this stuff.

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