Friday, March 25, 2005

I think I'm Goin Outta My Head

Kelis ft Outkast~Millionaire

I like this song....I just found it the other day. Really describes my mood too.

Yesterday was A DAY! I tell YOU! I thought I was gone slap somebody, but I prayed and I didn't. The only thing that helped me smile through the day was the compliments I was getting. I had my hair crinkled and it looked all wild (guys seem to like my hair like that, don't ask me why) and the outfit was working with my make-up. Some guy even said I looked like a model! That really made my day. Is that shallow? If it is, I don't care, Ima just be shallow cus that helped me get through that day. It was rough.

This is my best friend Milyaka! Isn't she cute? Yes birds of a feather DO flock together.Lol.

So this is who I'm talkin about all the time....Fellas, wipe the drool from your chins....

Anyway back to ME....So I got a memory stick today!YAYYY! I'm so excited, I put all my pics on there already. I get excited about the lil things. It really doesn't take much.....

I was invited to this panties and drawers party tommorow....Normally I wouldn't go because the way we kids dance today, thats already too much contact with strangers for me, but its my homie's party sooo...I'll try and be respectable and not do anything I have to repent for on Sunday except maybe goin to this party of course.

Nothing goin on tonight.....that's a usual Friday for me. You would think people would rather start off the weekend right but noooo they wanna wait til Saturday.

Well I better get started on this marketing plan that is due on Monday, holla at me!


  1. You're a retard!!!!!!!!!! I like that shout out though:) So, you had a bad day uh? Well, so what?! We all have bad days:) JK. I just wanted to say to you and all the girls who read this: Recognize when you're flattered by a compliment and when you're dependent upon a compliment. Actually, dependent is not a good choice of word usage, because I know Kita is not one to depend on male attention. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is don't let guys dictate your security or your worth! In other words, your day should NOT be brighter because some guy gives you a compliment. Don't get me get wrong, I LOVE COMPLIMENTS and I've had many a gloomy day that was made better by a 'hi' or a 'i like your hair' [by the way, we have the same hair-do this week:)] from someone I had a crush on at the time, but the point is we need to learn to let God be our ultimate fulfillment!! So ladies, remember that next time a guy acknowledges you.

  2. Thanks for getting by my spot. Appreciate your words. Get at me anytime. Keep on with your colorful posts.
