Sunday, March 20, 2005

Get over it!!

Man today was a good day. I went to church and even though I had to sit in the overflow it was great. The overflow is where they make all the late people sit when they can't fit anymore into the sanctuary and you watch the service on televisions. Usually this makes me wanna just go home because basically you could sit at home on your own couch and have access to a kitchen....But today was different. I felt God in the overflow. I could tell the others probably felt the same way as me but I was feeling the praise and worship today. It was hard at first when you're the only one clapping but I just had to do it.

The entire service was a blessing. I realized the importance of worshipping with others. I know there were times when I just didn't feel like being large groups of people and I would say "Oh, I'll just sit in my room and read my Bible on my own." Of course I probably wouldn't do it. But my friends made me get dressed and go to church because they said the devil attacks you the most when you isolate yourself so you need to be around people of God. And I ended up thanking them in the end.

Today's message was about forgiveness and what the pastor said was:

Forgiveness is the greatest challenge of our lives. In the Bible it is actually a financial term meaning 'cancelling out debts'. He said in order to forgive you must do two things-
1. Get over it!! (that's exactly what he said!)
- It happened, its over. Unforgiveness can act as a poison spreading through out your entire life. Keeping records of wrongs will wreck your life. As in 2 Corinthians 13:5, it says love keeps no record of wrongs...The strength does not come from holding the grudge, it comes from forgiving.
2. Get on with your life!
- Move on with your life and don't worry about that person. God will take care of it. Unforgiveness and spite only hurts you, not the other person.

So yeah I learned a lot today. For one, that I need to forgive some people because I have been holding on to some pain for a while. And that I need to ask for forgiveness for some things. But after today I'm not taking that pain with me, its gone.

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