Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas is here

With none of my close friends being here in Hampton and all of them begging me to go spend Christmas with someone, I started to feel like I just wanted to stay home by myself. I've been invited into many peoples' homes. Lots of people have told me they are worried about me and that they don't want me to be alone on Christmas. And I think that's sweet they are concerned. But the way I feel is if I can't spend Christmas with my family I don't want to spend it with anyone else's family. Then I thought that if I just sat at home by myself then I wouldn't be celebrating Christmas which is the basis of my religion. I think I downplayed the importance of this day like so many other people do today. Like Christmas is just another day when it's not. I am so thankful for my Lord Jesus Christ and I want to celebrate his birth in any way I can. I will be attending church in the morning and I'm looking forward to it.

At the same time, I am OK with spending Christmas alone if I have to. I am never alone. There are always people around me. When I get home there will always be people around, so I'm going to enjoy every moment of my peace and quiet that I can.

Its crazy that so many people are sad this time of year. If you listen to the some of the holiday music at this time, most of it is really sad. But for me I know that I'm not alone in life. I have wonderful friends and family who love me. They just are not here right now. I'll still love them after the holiday and I will see them again.

I realize that I could be at home right now if I had quit my job earlier and just bounced before the holidays. That's my fault. Hindsight is 20/20 ya know. But I'm still enjoying the last of my time in Hampton before I'm really tired of it.

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