Wednesday, May 25, 2005

All you Star Wars Geeks!

Mike Jones~Back Then

I didn't write about that "date" I had with old dude. Crash is a great movie. Makes you think. Plus it had like everybody and their mama in there. Black and White. I don't know if I should say what its about because no one told me, I just went and saw it and I loved it. But its a wake up call, that's all Ima say.

I still say old dude has no chance. He wants me to move to Texas so I can be with him and I'm like why? He acts as if we had a love so deep and then we got torn apart when I went to college. Definitely not the case. Sorry buddy. I'm tryin not to be insensitive to his feelings so Ima have to tell him we just need to be homies. Why do I even care? I'll probably never see him again after I leave Tulsa.

I see just about everyone I know is hoppin on this Star Wars Band Wagon. Yes I call you all GEEKS! GEEKS! I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies. They might be aight. But hey I ain't finna start now....

The job hunt continues. Still haven't seen my degree but I know its on the way. Two more weeks left in Tulsa, OK.



    (uh, lemme stop before u start calling me super geek)

  2. WAIT.. I was just thinkin... were u puttin a MIKE JONES video on because his initials are MJ (my initials?) stop calling me a GEEK, hater! lol.

    (p.s. - love ya!)
