Monday, September 18, 2006

The Scenery!

My first day on hiatus from work. Bout to get started on cleaning out the closet. My sister called herself cleaning my room, but her cleaning is very deceptive. You go into the room and it looks spotless. Then you go the closet and there's everything you didn't see. I appreciate the initial work though. One less thing for me to do.

I'm reading Teach me how to love you by Thomas Weeks III. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and just kept reading. I can tell its gonna be a great book already. Full of wisdom and realness.

I saw this movie I really enjoyed this morning called What a Way to Go with Shirley McClaine. This lady get married 4 times and each time they start out in love but eventually her husband gets incredibly rich and dies in some freak accident. It would have been pretty sad if it weren't funny. In the end she's got like a $100 mil and living on a farm with a failure of a husband. Just the way she'd always dreamed.

Sanaa Lathan is on Nip/Tuck now. I might have to check that out.

On the first day of my hiatus, I'm clearing out my head. Hopefully not filling it up with too much junk. I am catching up on my television though. What I have found is that there's nothing on TV.

I cleaned and then I got sucked into this internet. As soon as I check myspace I'm gettin off this thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ima look for that movie sounds funny. Did you know you can look at sixith mount live on sundays now I just found that out cool! and I know how it feel to be on the internet and think where has the time gone lol love kita!!!!!!!!!!
