Tuesday, July 11, 2006

sounds in my head

So I've been fasting from music for the last couple weeks. You'd be surprised what songs pop into your head. Songs I haven't heard in years and I know ALL the words. Craziness.

I still have the most boring assignment at work, so I'm on the internet. Everyone keeps assuring me it will get better. I still think of it as temporary. I'm an artist, I need to be creative.

Going to get my shoes to complete my graduation outfit.

I am overdue for some new contacts and since my neice broke my glasses, I need some of those too. Next paycheck, yes!!

So ready to get my own place. Looks like it will be pushed back another month. It's ok, I'll deal. More time to get money saved and get a car. I don't plan on rushing things and ending up somewhere I don't want to be.

My cousin got mad at me because she was telling me about this deal in the apts she used to live in and I told her we'd looked at them and didn't like them. She gave me this 'Well it doesn't matter to me. I HAVE a place to live.' Now that was really uncalled for. You know what I think it is? That time of the month. She gets really snappy during that time. Taking it out on those close to her. Yup. I'll just pray for her. I know she's just trying to look out for me anyway.

I've become a fan of that USA show Psych. Where the guy makes people think he's psychic because of his observational skills. It's made me wanna be more observant but at the same time I don't care that much.

My old roomie has made a whole album on facebook dedicated to the Heat. I just found out thanks to her that Dwayne Wade and his wife have been together since they were nine years old. That's so cute!

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