Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Dancing in the flowery meadow

AH! I finally got to go to Arkansas this weekend. When I don't tell anybody that I'm leaving, I finally make it out of town. Spent some time with my family that I haven't seen in a minute. I saw my grandma, gave her some love. When people ask me how she's doing, I don't really know what to say. She just had a leg amputated, but I don't really think she knows its gone. Sometimes she'll say her 'feet' hurt. When she sees you, she gets really focused and stares. Its hard to look away because she's staring so intently. This is the first time I've ever thought my grandmother looked 'old'. Everytime she saw me, she asked about my mother who was still in OK. It's because I look like my mom. It kinda hurt to tell her she's not here and that she wouldn't be coming anytime that weekend. She asked about her all day and just would not let up. Usually, she forgets about stuff after awhile, but this she would not let go.

For the most part I stayed with my aunt in the little town where my mom is from. I got no service on my cell so I had a lotta explaining to do to those whom I forgot to tell I was leaving. (Oops forgot I had some obligations!) So yeah.....staying with my auntie yielded a couple surprises. It's kinda weird because my aunt has a grill. Yes. A grill. Her front teeth are outlined in gold. Now y'all know I can't stand gold teeth with a firey red passion. But this is my favorite aunt. My Katie Mae (sounds like this: Katamae). I had to get over that shock quickly. Plus seems like her daughter has been harboring some resentment towards me. Had to handle that. The kid is 15 years old and she tells me that all the time she gets the speech, "Kita is the perfect role model for you. Kita, Kita, Kita". Sounds a lil like "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha". I had to let her know without telling my business that I'm not perfect, though it may seem so. And shoot I was there way before she came along. Kate is my homie fo life. She's like my second mother. When I was little I was with her all the time. She spoiled me because at home it was all about my bratty, drama queen sister. I retreated to my corner. I was a loner and I stayed that way till college. Life is funny.

Everytime I go back there I realize how country my fam really is. I mean even my accent came out and it may be here to stay. Not the refined southern accent my friends are used to. Nope the country one. But at least I ain't start changing words. Now you might think you know a word, like ornament. In my definition that is something you might put on a Christmas tree, but nope its something you would use to heal a wound: ointment. Now that blew my mind.

I traveled down there with my Uncle Otis, his wife Gwen and my Uncle Robert Charles from Cali (yes, we call him all that, Uncle Robert Charles) . Found out some things that maybe I wasn't ready hear concerning some illegal substances and stolen property.

The funniest thing happened while at the nursing home. Well just so happens there were a few tornadoes in the area. I drove my great aunt the 45 min drive to the nursing home. This is how she asked me to drive,'Did you say you wanted to drive?'. Well no, I didn't say anything.

Anyway, at the nursing home they took everybody into the hall in case a tornado hit. While sitting out there they served everyone dinner. This lady, her name be Lucille, started talking to me and my aunt, then I think she's tryin to get down the hall but another lady eating her dinner was blocking the way with her wheel chair. So I politely ask her if I can scoot her over so Lucille can get by. She says sure. I scoot her over. Lucille rolls up behind her and kicks her wheel. Twice. Like she was mad at her for blocking her path in the first place. Man ain't nothing like nursing home drama.


  1. The NURSING home?! Of all places in the world! Now that is sad. Someone needed to put a few sedatives in Lucille's applesauce. She was obviously waiting to get riled with someone and you happened to be along. My goodness.

    (And what's all this about ornament being ointment? Is there really a difference between "cawntry" and "hill"?)

  2. Oh! Did I fail to mention the dude I knew back in the day (I think we worked together, I can't remember) who used to call an ambulance a "bambulance"? He went for years thinking it was bambulance. What's going on there?

  3. That is so funny! Yup she meant ointment but it sounded like ornament....I don't know how that happens. I think hill is worse than country. That's where people don't come out for years and they start in breeding at least in the country they get out....They probably got some in breeding there too. You might mess with your cousin and don't even know it. That why I don't talk to anyone in Arkansas. Never have.
