Thursday, April 06, 2006


I'm incredibly sleepy because I didn't sleep much last night even though I remember dreaming but there are some random thoughts I wanted to post.

SO this morning while getting ready I was thinking, 'Man its hard being a girl. You gotta pick out cute clothes, do your hair, smell all good, put on make up and jewelry. It take a lotta preparation.' Then I thought, 'Scratch that. It takes a lot to be pretty girl. No wonder it takes Tiff so long to get ready.' On a daily basis I can be cute with no make up and lil preparation, but to be pretty it takes time. The DIVA is on her way.

WHO called it?! I knew that white girl on Black.White was gonna start liking black dudes! She was just too in awe of black culture. But I noticed something. She was always complimenting him. "You must have been voted best smile" blah blah blah. I was thinkin, 'That's so gross. She's blowing up his head.' That's just not something I do. I am not a flatterer. I feel its more about the actions than words. It's very rare that you will hear me give a dude a compliment. You gotta be pretty secure to be around me. That's because I think dudes be feelin themselves wayy too much. I will break a mans self esteem. But that is something I would like to change. People need to hear that kinda stuff sometimes. Work in progress people!

My neice snapped my glasses. Just broke one of the arms off of it. I'm not mad at her. More so at my mom and my sister for not watching her. And I know that's what it was. Oh well its time for some new ones anyway.

sleepy, I go night night now.


  1. It as only a matter of time she was way to cool the whole time I should have placed a bet on how many episode it would take before she expressed her like. She probably wanted to go on the show so her parents could get use to black people LOL

  2. I think you're right! What's good with this road trip? You tryin to head out solo?
