Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Leave it to me, I'll take care of it

I've been sick the past few days, so all I've been doing is trying to sleep. Tiff called me today and said, "Ew you sound congested. That is not sexy!" and I said,"I know. When will I be sexy again?"

Been wrapped up in my blankets, drinking tea and watching movies. I'm still applying but I would hate to have a phone interview sounding like this. EW.

I talked to Larry on the phone last night for like 3 hours. We had a lotta catching up to do. Even though I lived with him, the last time I talked to him was about 3 months ago. He confessed some things about my behavior that he didn't like and now that I'm not there I guess he felt like it was OK to say.....I keep telling everyone what I learned last week. I feel like I had a real moment of clarity.

Even though now I am glad to be here, it feels so good to know that people are feeling the void. Theres nothing like knowing you are missed. I got this message on facebook from one of my former co-workers and I almost started to cry:

I know I was sad when you left too. The woman that use to come in there and tell you to go home came in there one day and we was telling her that it was her fault that you left. We were all just playing around though. Anyways school is fine. I'm happy that it has started back because I get real lazy and unfocused during the break. Im fine too. I just wanted to see how you were doing and let you know that we all miss you. I hope you find a good job girl. I know I am tired of Ross and all of its drama. Well Good luck with everything and keep your head up. Keep inspiring people and setting positive examples for people. I really respect you for that. Keep in touch. Nicole

That is so beautiful. I never think I have an influence, I just be doing me. No time to be fake.

I've been writing poetry lately. I don't know where this sudden spark came from. I've never been a poetess before. Seems like everyone writes poetry though. Whether its good or not is the question. I try not to take it too deep with metaphors and crap, but I find myself not wanting to make it too generic. How do you write it without getting over complicated or being too simplistic? Say what you gotta say and leave it alone.

Oh yes, I must mention...People are killing me with all these texts. I do not have free texts! Y'all trying to make my bill sky high. Wait till you can call and if you have PCS to PCS just call! That includes Nextel too! So please stop sending me these forwards...cus I'm not forwarding them to 10, 12 and 14 people. I can't afford it.

I'm back to having all these weird dreams again. I don't know where they come from or if they have any foundation. Gotta get on that dream journal.....

Going to make a sandwich now.

1 comment:

  1. I so feell you on the texts. Next thing youll be hearing is " the spintpcs customer you are trying to reach is temporaily unavailible"

