Thursday, February 02, 2006

She's so tanasty...

I'm currently filling out this form for a job I will be interviewing for. Putting my most favorable traits out there first. I know I can do anything, but of course I tend to come across non-chalant or indifferent. What I need to show them is that I really want this job and I really do. I just don't wanna jump down their throats. The best part of it is....its not in OKLAHOMA!!! YAY! But if its not meant for me to leave here, I won't get the job. I think I have had enough desperation to let them know I really want this job and able to do it well.

Some guy asked me for directions to the Barnes and Nobles across from the mall. I knew I'd been to the Barnes and Nobles but I couldn't think about where it was. Then he just asked me where the mall was. I was like, "Oh you just go straight down this street and you'll hit it." This is, I think I sent him to the wrong mall.....Oh well I think there's a Barnes and Nobles by that one too. I hope he wasn't meeting someone.

1 comment:

  1. I'm learning slowly but surely through trials and tribulations about where I'm supposed to be. I'm thinking about leaving the country altogether, but it is not that simple... Is Oklahoma really so bad? I mean, I've never been, but if it is not your thing, I hope you are able to find a state you are happiest in. Best wishes! :)
