Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Come with me

I had a day full of revelations. I was watching Coretta Scott King's home-going celebration on TVOne and I found myself captivated by all of the speakers. The service was so God filled. I could feel it from the television. And the pinnacle was when her daughter Elder Bernice King gave her mother's eulogy.

You could tell it was hard for her but she pushed through and gave a powerful message. While talking about the person her mother was she preached. With her mothers' death became the end of an era. When Mrs. King died she let go and passed the torch to the rest of us. She preached that we let the "world" tell how us to live, govern our nations and raise our children and it is leading to destruction. It is time for God's children to rise up and start teaching God's message.

I've been hearing that same message for a while now. Rise up. Speak out. Time to step up. I'm praying I will be able to when it is time.

While at Border's I picked up Juanita Bynum's book No More Sheets. I think I read half the book in half an hour. But it convicted me and gave me some realizations about what I'd been telling myself. I think my cousin has the video. I'm gonna try and get that from her.

I was talkin to my friend Aaron today, he asked me to be his Valentine. I was planning on forgetting about the day altogether, but hey whatever. It went something like this:

Him: So do you have a Valentine?
Me: No
Him: You wanna be my Valentine?
Me: Sure, what does that mean?
Him: How are you gonna be someone's Valentine and you don't know what it means?
Me: Well I've never had one so I don't know what that means
Me: So what does it mean?
Him: I just wanted someone I could say Happy Valentine's Day to and then I could say I have a Valentine.
Me: Yeah aight.
Him: You gone make me blush. I'm red right now.

I forgot in my haste that I did have ONE Valentine. Of course it was Tiffani.......She got me chocolates and made me a card. It was the best. But that should be an easy one to top. I don't even know what day its on. That's how dedicated I was to forgetting. Now that I got a Valentine, I gotta find out when it is. Daggone obligations.