Friday, March 24, 2006

There are no words...

Oh boy! Oh boy! So many stories! I wish I could just telepathically send them out to my bloggers over the internet.

Everybody's out cus its Friday night....Not I. Oh well, time to wash my hair. You know it takes 3 days to do it anyway.

Been having a great time at church. My faith has increased like 20 times over. No like 50 times over. It feels good. And I'm still learning stuff.

The business thing is still hard. But I believe my help is on the way. I wish I could fly Kory out here. When we were in school we were like the dream team. I know we could take this thing over.

I had a pivotal conversation/ mini-breakdown with my mom and my sister. Almost had me saying, "This why I wanted to stay in Hampton!". My first mistake: I didn't pray before I talked them. I saw their side of the argument and I'm taking steps to fix that, but I don't know if they were understanding what I was trying to say. But its sort of one of those things where even if I took you through the whole thing step by step you still wouldn't know. On my mother's part, I think she needs to learn to let go. It's like this: She's still looking at me like I'm her baby. Like I can't do anything for myself. It reminds me of when I used to make up my bed and she'd be like 'Oh just get out the way and let me do it.' Well I gotta do somethings on my own or how else will I know how to do them? She doesn't want me to be without and that's wonderful but if you're gonna complain about supplying those needs...DON'T SUPPLY THEM. She needs to let me be an adult.

I felt so attacked after that conversation, I got on my knees and didn't get up until I felt like I'd covered everything I needed to cover. Got some real praying in.

After I told Farah about that night she was like, "I wanna move out and I don't even live there." I said, "I know!!"

I mean if it were up to me I would have stayed in Hampton, worked my butt off, made my way somehow, SOMEHOW! I would have been DEAD inside, BUT I would have been independent and they wouldn't have to worry about what I'm doing.

But I know that I'm supposed to be here at this time for a reason. And I'm glad I came because nothing good comes without a lil struggle and my family is my struggle.

Then the next day I got all these calls from people that I hadn't heard from in a while. Me and Milyaka talked for longer than we had in a while. And at least three times I heard people tell me, 'I believe in you'. It was the greatest feeling. Because I was feeling discouraged and that helped so much.

Congratulations to my lil sister Sigele for crossing Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. I'm so proud of my girl!! Plus I got some inside info that one of my other friends is crossing Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc. So Congrats homie!!! Yeah, I get all the info even though I'm halfway across the country.

I love all you guys! Keep your eyes open I may be coming to the east coast soon...

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