Sunday, June 12, 2005

Today is today

Jill Scott~Cross my Mind

Lookin at my bills makes any job look good right about now. I'm starting to get into my housewife mode right now. Whenever I have nothing to do I start to obsessively clean everything, make lists about things I cannot afford and plan to do things I never start to do. I might even start cooking again, if someone can bring the groceries.

  1. Start scrapbook.
  2. Finish thank you cards for graduation.
  3. Find job.
  4. Keep room spotless.
  5. Find a way to keep hair looking presentable in hot, humid weather.
  6. Finally learn the Hampton transit system.
  7. Get some mace and switchblade.
  8. Find out if people who wear turbans swim with their turbans and if so how do they keep them dry for Tiff.
  9. Send out angry letters to Hampton University.
  10. Edit resume.
  11. Find something active to do so that I don't become a blob who stays in her room all day.

The 2nd guy from high school came down this weekend. We all had a good time. Its funny though. I'm not stupid, I realized when he was trying to flirt with me but it felt like ew. Like it was my brother or something. So I know there's no spark there.

It was a fun day, my roomate Larry's birthday. We started the day out on the beach, got cleaned up after the beach (its amazing how much sand you can pick up at the beach!), went out to eat and I finally got that steak I was craving. When came back to the house I made something like pink panties for everybody (with flavored Vodka instead of regular). They liked it, I didn't really drink. I'm tryin to quit. That's another story for another time.

I almost forgot, its Father's day. Happy Father's Day. I don't know where my dad is. I find it funny that my father hasn't called since he promised me a graduation present that I never got. I knew it was a possibility it would never come anyway looking at his history. I guess I was only looking forward to it because I need the money. Despite that I have been blessed. He sure does know how to disappear when he owes people. Guess he won't be a getting a card from me. It's not like I wanted to send one anyway. I'm praying about this situation. It's not good to feel that way about your parents. I don't think God would approve.

Guess I'll help Larry wash his car since he got a new hose for his birthday. Nothing else to do..... Except all those things on that list above.

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