Monday, June 20, 2005

These days....

Amerie~Why Don't We Fall In Love?

I haven’t had much to write about lately. Haven’t been thinking deeply. Haven’t been doing much either. How do I go on day to day with nothing to do? I can’t stand being idle. I will have to venture out into this 90 degree heat looking for a job. You can’t be comfortable in work wear out in this weather. I think about Milyaka talking about how you can’t possibly be happy in Chicago’s winter weather, but heat is another type of uncomfortable.

I need to start taking my iron pills. Anemia is kickin my butt. I’ll place most of my blame there for non-motivation. The fatigue causes me not to want to do anything but sleep. I keep thinking of all these projects I could be doing. But dag I don’t have any glue. Then I’ll get started and freak it all, I start to get busy. I’m tired of being broke and I’m bored, so I need to get a job. But I’m spoiled and I don’t want to settle for just anything. I want a career. I want to be given a chance. I can do anything. No really. I can. Just give me a lil time with anything and I will get it. Maybe that’s what I need to start putting on my resume. Skills: I can do ANYTHING. It just depends on whether I want to or not.

Had a day with the girls Wednesday, since they finally had a day off and I have everyday off. We went swimming that day and to a club that night. I hate clubs. This white dude with a grill and a do rag on tried to spit at me. EW. Theory kicked some butt in pool even if she was a lil tipsy.

Tiff came down this weekend. That’s my homie, even though I had to beat her down, we made it through the weekend. My girl Yanni invited us to dinner on Saturday and we were enjoying a Sex & the City-like evening until the guys showed up, then we just sounded like perverts.

I admit I am competitive person. Things got a little heated during the Taboo game. I just like to make sure the rules and guidelines are clear so that I know how much I can cheat. No one was hurt. Then came the Scattegories game………Black folks and Scattegories.
Lemme just tell you there were some things that should have never been said in front of mixed company.

I’m sitting and watching Dawson’s Creek and even though I’ve seen the whole season more than five times, this is the first time I have looked at things differently. I used to think Dawson was being a big bratty baby about Pacey and Joey, now I understand. I feel you Dawson!!

I’ve picked up a new show. The OC. I’ve finally jumped on the band wagon. I’m sure it won’t last long. There’s only so much I can take of spoiled, extremely rich, white kids, complaining about problems that they have created and are now trying to find their way out of. It’s kind of entertaining though. Especially that Brody kid. Califorrrnniaaaaa.

Congratulations Juicy on your new career! Now you can't be the insomniac I call at 3am because you're up. I can actually see you in the daylight, now!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Uhh, you're competitive self... u got me rooting for the other team cuz u were so competitive! And I was on YOUR team!
