Friday, August 25, 2006

I know the TRUTH: Rejoice

Man, I have really felt like I've been under attack this week. Been having to praise my way out of a bad mood everyday. But it comes back everyday. And people at work and other people aren't helping. So I been just listening to ministry and praise music.

Thought it was PMS because that's the only thing I can think of for being upset for no reason. But its definitely not that. Is it fatigue? Nope I been gettin my rest for the most part. I can sleep all day and still wake up with an attitude. That ain't Jesus.

Gotta be something coming my way. Something BIG. I recieve it. And I'm letting y'all know so you can be a witness to God's works.

On Wednesday at church Bishop Stone came to give a prophecy and said we're about to see God do what we've asked for in prayer. Now when you rejoice its praise before you see the outcome because God has already done it. He gave the example of when theres a replay in sports. Even though you may not have seen the actual play, which is why you need a REplay, you can cheer because you know the outcome. People can cheer at the replay because they know its already happened. They don't have to wait for the replay to cheer, they'll just cheer again when they see it.

Same thing with rejoicing. I can shout NOW, because I know God has already done it. I rejoice NOW.

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