Thursday, August 03, 2006

Did I get an A?

I had a revelation about tests this morning. God tests us not to see what we are going to do, because I believe he already knows, but for us to see what we are going to do. It helps us gauge where we are in our progress. Whether we pass or fail can tell us if we have more work to do in an area or we can move to the next task.

I can see growth in an area. I told one of my guy friends that I loved him (just as a friend). That's a big step for me. It was hard for me to give males any compliments, let alone tell them I love them. I can tell my girl friends I love them all day long and how nice they look and how great they are. My guy friends would get none of that. Even though I called them "friends" I still had a bitterness toward men. I can see the growth. I love the Lord.

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