Friday, June 02, 2006

Look at God

So it seems the company I was working the temp job for liked me so much that they asked specifically for me to come back and help in a different department. And I just got word today she's going to put in for me to become permanent here after the contract is up. I needed a job and now I have one. Amen. It's not where I will end up but it works for now.

As for personally, before I had men problems I had family problems. Now that I don't have men problems....I got family problems. Me and my sister are not getting along AT ALL. To the point where she just isn't speaking to me period. I've learned that its just her bratty nature. If I don't do what she says its like, 'Well don't ask me to anything for you EVER again'. That's manipulation. I won't have it.

My problem with her is she has no respect for me or my property OR anyone else for that matter. She feels like she can set the rules for our relationship and if I don't want it her way then I just can't be her sister at all. If she says we're cool then we are, if she says we're not then we're not. That's not the way it supposed to work.

She constantly throws the stuff she bought me back in my face (stuff I never asked for). I'd rather she take it back or not do anything at all than have to hear about it. She does not talk to me, only at me. It's either do what I say or don't talk at all. She's continually spiteful. It's crazy!

People have pacified my sister all her life. She needs some hard truth. She has no ambition and no drive. I won't do that to her. She needs to know. She yells at everyone and expects to be able to do it to me. I have to stick up for myself and when I do, I get blamed. It's like them against me in that house. Who wants to live like that?

So as soon as I am able, I'm gettin out. I already have a roomate. Started lookin at some places. I love my family, but this ain't right. I'm not even mad or bitter. It's just the reality of things.

How is that God? He's just helping me get a thicker skin. Plus, you need some haters in life. They are the ones who will tell your testimony. I heard that in church on Wednesday.

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