Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Living everyday to the not really

When I should be trying to take advantage of every last day I have with my Hampton folks....I'm not. I'm working my butt off trying to get some money in the bank before I leave.

I was talking to my cousin on the phone and after we'd hung up, she calls back and tells me seriously pray on this whole moving matter because she just wants me to be where God wants me to be. So I instantly think Is she having doubts? Does she think I shouldn't move back home? What would be my alternative? I can't change my mind now! So I decided to get serious about this decision and so I decided to fast so that I could hear from God more clearly. What should I fast from? Not food, I can't afford to lose anymore weight. What else do I do? So I decided to fast from TV. And I only allowed myself an hour a day. Yesterday was my first day on this fast. I figured I'd get so much more done without TV. I ate and fell asleep at 10pm. So me concentrating on what God has to tell me isn't going so well. But tomorrow is my first day off, we'll see how that goes. Pray for me y'all. I don't wanna be disobedient. I'm still not feeling going home, but I don't wanna stay here either.

Last week while everyone went home for Thanksgiving I stayed and my girl Adrianne let me babysit her Cougar. I've always known it was a blessing to have a car, but its just sooo great. I also found that would be as close to being late as I possibly could. That's not good. On Thanksgiving Day, I ate with my girls Kiana and Yanni. We did it up big. We had wayyy too much food, but that's how its supposed to be on T-day. This week, I'm back on the bus and trying to be appreciative. It's oh so hard.

My temporary boyfriend is back. The neighbor. He's been on the boat forever. I refuse to call him my boyfriend. Adrianne does it because she knows I hate it. Chris says he's just trying to get in my pants. He could be right. All these movies and ice cream is just sexual inuendo (is that how you spell it?). Eh, well keep em coming, try really hard because I could benefit from this.


  1. "innuendo". :) I know it's not my business, but where is "home" if not where you are now? Just was curious.

  2. For most of the people I know home is where their family is. For me, wherever my mother is that's home.
