Friday, November 18, 2005

My kinda Friday

What am I doin on this crispy Friday night? We sittin out on the balcony with some hot cocoa and the laptop, listening to music, watchin the neighborhood happen. As Adrianne just told me, I sure am a cheap date. That's what I keep telling people! I'm not hard to please at all! Last Friday we went out for dinner and a movie. Which consisted of Adrianne packin up some fried chicken wings and some macaroni and cheese in a shoe box and watchin The Wizard of Oz at the laundromat. It was a good time! This is what we do. I'ma miss this kinda stuff.

Got reconnected with an old friend which was a real surprise to me because he popped up at my job. He was the last person I expected to see, but at the same time part of me expected it. I'd had a dream that morning that I saw him and just so happens there he was. Kinda scary. I be knowing things. It was a good time.

Me and Tiff decided we could have a section of the blog called Stupid things said by Arienne and Tiffani. I won't put her out there this time, but just know its coming because I'm building a collection in my mind.

Thats all I got right now, my fingers are going numb.

1 comment:

  1. the thing i love about you kita is that you always stay true to yourself and what makes you happy
