Saturday, October 22, 2005

What am I supposed to do?

So this guy Kiana is trying to fix me up with is coming to homecoming. He lives in Boston. From what she tells me he has a great body and he’s really sweet. But come on guys that’s definitely not all there is. I need someone I can feel. Someone I can talk to everyday. This guy and I have talked four times since June. We have nothing to talk about, but for some reason he has loved the thought of me since then.

On the 13th my phone was disconnected which I think is funny timing since that was the day that my middle school friend, lets call him Tulsa, was coming to town. The first thing I thought of was that he was trying to call me and I wanted to turn my phone back on immediately. Then I thought well if he had been calling, he wouldn’t have to reach me at the last minute. I seriously contemplated not turning my phone back on just so I wouldn’t have to worry whether he would call or not. Of course, I paid the bill and he did call. I played it cool, ‘yeah my phone was off….’, like it happens every other day. (It does). He promised to call after the show so we could talk in person.

While waiting for Tulsa’s call, I mean hanging out with my girls, Boston calls. We talk about homecoming and I tell him I’m not excited because all people are gonna be doing is drinking and partying and I don’t want to do either. He asks why don’t you drink anymore. I say well I’ve rededicated my life to the Lord so….

Side bar: I hate having to make that announcement. Don’t get me wrong, in no way am I ashamed of being a Christian. It just sounds so cliché. Like an excuse or in some peoples’ cases like they’re judging others just by saying I follow Jesus Christ. Plus most people don’t really know what it means to be Christian anyway. Just because you believe in Jesus does not make you a Christian. Faith without works is dead, James 2:17.

Anyway, he says I’ll call you back in five minutes. I’m thinking that should be the end of this because usually the Lord scares dudes off. But he calls me back at midnight and I don’t answer. Kiana yells at me because she’s in love with his best friend and says I’m ruining her future. Sorry homie but why do I have to suffer for your future? Why did he call me the next morning at 7:57 AM!!!? I dunno but something about this morning call intrigued me. My roommate Larry says I’m attracted to the weirdest guys. If there’s something off about a guy I’ll think its interesting. I tried to talk to him once again but it was still awkward. How do I end this? Do I do an Adrianne? Where do you see this going? I see this going NOWHERE!

I never got to see Tulsa while he was in town which kind of angers me. I mean I hate when people say they are going to do something and don’t. That’s a pet peeve of mine. Do what you say! I’ve given up on he and I being friends. He’s way too “busy” which was also the problem we had two years ago. In the back of my mind, I was really cheering for Tulsa. The very first time we talked on this phone this man was quoting Scripture! There’s nothing more that’ll give a girl fever than a man who knows his Bible. I mean he looks real good on paper…….. and in person too. He just seems to be too “busy” and if he’s not interested, I don’t have the time or energy to chase him down. I refuse to do that. Does that seem stubborn?

Then I look at things in reality. God is teaching me so much about myself, my friends, life in general that I don’t need to be distracted by any males. I hate long distance relationships, I don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t understand me and I think I need to clear my heart and head before I start up with someone else.

Anonymous and I were never in the same place emotionally at the same time but I think the thing that kept us going is that mutual interest in one another. I think the thing that kept us apart is trust and that’s the main staple of any relationship. Why did I mention that? Iono I just thought it was relevant. At least I liked talking to him even if most of it was arguing it was interesting. I will not settle for less.

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