Thursday, July 21, 2011

In my opinion

There's an associate that works with me who whenever given an opportunity takes that time to insult herself. We work in a clothing store and she has a curvier shape than most women. But it seems she has to point to that fact at once a day when I work with her. For example: She said, "If I could wear pencil skirts, I would totally be all over that." But what bothers me is when she will compliment me to insult herself.

I was in the store just yesterday and a customer was asking  me about my hair. What products I use and how I got the result I'd gotten with rollers. She pipes up and says, "Yeah we pretty much hate her because her hair always looks great."  No one was even talking to her! Now when people say these types of things I start to think there really is some hate beneath the surface. And this is not the first or the second time she's done this : 'Yeah we pretty much hate her' stuff.

I just can't get with the self deprecating speech and sometimes I want to take her to the side and say "You are fearfully and wonderfully made and the way you talk about yourself should reflect that." I think that's something I will do. Write her a note or something. It just stems from a lack of self esteem. I've been there before and everyone just has to become comfortable with who they are and what they are not.

I remember watching a Tamara Bennett message and she said," There is not a worldly woman that I covet and truth be told not ANY woman I covet." And pretty much she was saying its because she knows who God created her to be. I feel the same way. There's no need in being upset over something that I just was not meant to be or have, but I am determined to be and have all that God has for me.

In saying all that, maybe we just need to lift each other up with pure motives more. Tiff and I were talking last night and we mentioned that when people give us compliments we still are not always able to accept it in its purest form. It almost always comes with someway to downplay it afterward.

Them :Oh girl I love your hair!!

Me: Oh this? I did this a week ago, its dirty and my color needs to be re-done, but thank you!

Just accept the compliment, please. Message to you and me.

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