Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I'm about to shine

So this is my day off. I worked about 14 hrs yesterday getting ready for a visit from our district manager. Since I've been promoted, I felt it was my responsibility to not leave the store a complete wreck. So I'm recooperating from it all and trying to take care of the stuff you don't have time for after work. Making sure the car note was paid. Check. Cancelling some whack benefit I found on my account that I did not authorize. Check. Cancelling another needless charge. Check. It's crazy how they try and make you feel guilty about how you spend YOUR money. Plus tell me why all customer service people are foreigners? I can't understand them and they can't understand me. It's a conspiracy I tell you.

So this week I had to teach at my discipleship group's meeting. Last week with the news of one of my favorite's evangelists being physically abused by her husband, I started to think about how we tend to label people from what we know about them. Her husband, a bishop and pastor, is now labeled as a 'wife beater'. Yes, he broke the law and that will be taken care of accordingly. What we as Christians and people tend to do is put people in a certain category and when they do things outside of that we condemn them. Trust me I do this a lot. My point is we shouldn't. Not with celebrities, leaders or people we don't know. I had this thing against Angelina Jolie. I didn't like her because I felt she stole Jennifer's husband. I did like her movies before this whole thing. I don't know any of them people. And my job is not to judge her, its to love her anyway. How often do you label people you know for real? Even if one of my best friend or mother beat someone to death, I wouldn't label them 'murderer'. Nor should we place anyone on a pedastal. Psalms 146:3-5 says:

3 Do not put your trust in princes,
in mortal men, who cannot save.
4 When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;
on that very day their plans come to nothing.
5 Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the LORD his God

Then we put ourselves in place of judgement and that is not our place. We also start gossiping and calling it news. Because of the what the media calls news, its gets confusing. Imagine if King David was up in this today. He'd be labeled an adulterer. Or Paul would just be a murderer. He'd be a Hitler. He was Hilter before Hitler. God uses us in spite of our stupidity and makes us great.

On another note I try not to be a gossip. But its so hard. Its like you find out stuff and there are people you tell everything. How do you distinguish telling friends about your day and gossip? Well this is how you know: if its not going to help you or the hearer, if you wouldn't say it to that person's face or its to hurt the person its about then its gossip.

I'll leave you with this quote from Tiff:

"Stop the nappy mohawks! Whoever started this needs to stop!!"

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