Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I can't see the future

This morning I woke up a mother of three. I have two teenagers and a seven year old. We had morning prayer, I cooked breakfast, kissed the teens and sent them out the door. Woke up the seven year old, ran her bath, got her dressed, did her hair, and walked her to the bus stop. Not only am I a mother, but its the young one's birthday. That means I gotta go take treats to her class. You remember those days? When you got cupcakes on your birthday? I still remember my mom making cupcakes with pink frosting and putting my initial on it in icing.

Anyway, yes today I am a semi- working mother. Actually if you think about it, I'm a step-mother because I ain't give birth to these kids. And then I'm a single step mother because I ain't got no husband. That means I need to get to work soon. Aight as soon as I finish this.....

My cousin actually left me in charge of her house for a couple days. I promise she's trying to groom me for motherhood. She said, "You're going to be a great working mother when I finish with you." I used to say I didn't like no kids but my own and that meant my neice Araia. But kids in general are starting to grow on me. I'm not saying I want any, I'm just saying I'm getting used to the idea.

Now what shall I do for the rest of the day? Finish the kitchen, get dressed and ah yes WORK.

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