Saturday, May 20, 2006

chillin, chillin, chillin

I know people have been wondering where I've been. If I could tell you, I would. Honestly, I barely know. Everything is in the process right now. So many good things have happened. Some bad things have happened. I'm trying to deal with it all without breaking down or shutting down.

I wish I had some fun things to share. I know I've had fun somewhere in the past month I just can't put it together enough to explain. I'm in a contemplative mood right now.

I went back to Hampton this week. I tried to make it to the graduation, but we left from Oklahoma too late. I did manage to make it to Milyaka's graduation though. You have to sit their boring speeches, watch 1000 other people you don't know walk across the stage just to see the one person you came to see get their degree. It was worth it though. I think that was the best graduation acceptance I've ever seen. She was dancing in the line, then after she told the announcer how to say her name she did this karate-like Micheal Jordan thing. It was awesome!

I was excited for her. Even though it brought back memories of my ceremony and yes, I'm still a lil bitter. I was thinking, Aww this is just like my graduation....except you got to walk across the stage.

Yeah so going back to Hampton was an experience. It was so good seeing people that I had only been able to reach through the phone or internet. But there was a different lil feeling there. Not like Hampton's not the same. Like I'M not the same. I had fun though, I was just ready to come back home.

Of course, I come back to drama. Drama = my sister. And that's it. She's all the drama there is. And she creates it, drags it on and then blames everyone else for it. I have to keep her in prayer.

I need to get a facebook pic up somehow. I know my friends are tired of looking at a question mark.

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