Thursday, September 08, 2011

A house is not a home....

...... until you decorate it and put pictures up.

People like to think because I like fashion and know how to put an outfit together that somehow that equates to interior decoration. Not so much. It takes more of a commitment to put a room together than it does to put an outfit together. I mean you’re gonna look at that room day after day. If I don’t like my outfit I can tweak here and or change it all together because well I’ve got lots of clothes. However, I don’t have lots of furniture and drapery to interchange. So whatever I decide on has to stick.

I just moved into a new apt. I said I didn’t decorate my last apt because I didn’t like it. Truth is I didn’t really like it and I’m not that good at it. But I promised in this upgrade of an apt that I would get my grown woman on and actually put pictures on the wall. Right now I’m still in the concept and color picking stage but at least I’m thinking about it.

This speaks to other areas of my life. I’m a lil commitment phobic. It’s probably the reason why I’m not in a relationship and why I’ve never gotten a tattoo.  Stability is a foreign concept to me. I admire it, but have not really experienced it firsthand. Being a child of divorce and having moved around quite a bit in my early years has given me the itch to change things every two years. My pastor said just last night that you have to change the script you’ve been given in life. I believe recognizing there’s an issue is the first step.

I would love to be at a job for 10 years. Not because I have to, but because I love it. There’s a reason my blog is called Where do we go from here. I’m constantly asking what the next step is.  So this house decorating is all in preparation for the next step. And I’m getting rid of my phobia and settling in. Not only to help with my commitment issues, but also because my family is tired of helping me move.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff. It's cool that you're growing and recognize the areas where growth is needed. A lot of people don't. I'm sort of in a strange place myself right now. I have the stability, but i'm also asking what the next step is. A lot of people look at having a family as an accomplishment, i never have. I can see why some people do, and I'm proud of and love my family, but i feel like there's more out there.
    As far as interior decor goes, surprisingly Nicole let's me do most of it. I think i'm pretty good. I got my own black art, creative inducing vibe works. lol. I'm also an HGTV fanatic as well. If she wasn't here to stop me, Id end up on Renovation Realities more than a few times.
