Sunday, May 15, 2011


I prayed for a girl yesterday who was just going through some deep things and she said, "I'm all alone." I know this is a huge trick of the enemy to make us feel alone and therefore we become more selfish and we're never apart of a community. I've dealt with this issue personally because I'm a person who is usually alone. Sure there are times when I'm in big groups and there were even times when I would hang strong with a group of people. I remember a prophet even telling me that 'There will be times when you will run with many and times when you will be alone, but its going to be more alone."

That was hard for me to swallow at first because I thought 'what does this mean for my life? will I always be alone?' And the enemy really tried to turn that into loneliness. But God has really comforted me through the years. It has turned into a real testimony. The more I get comfortable with Him, the more comfortable with myself.

And no I don't really like big crowds. I don't like being the center of attention. I'm sure there will come a point when I will have to come out of my comfort zone. Because thats just how things work.

Anyway, we went to church last night and I didn't know what to expect. Joy just kept asking, 'What's this gonna be like? I'm just expecting revival!' Theres just something about coming with expectation. God honors that! It just ended up being a refreshing for some, a healing to others and a refilling for some. All in all, I pray everyone got what they needed.

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