Thursday, October 05, 2006

Set the atmosphere

I got a real lesson yesterday. So I thought my day was going well. While my sister went to get her brakes fixed, I was watching my neice. She said it'd only take about 30 mins, so I figured I'd have more than enough time. I got dressed and when I called to check on the progress she said she was on her way. I called about 30 mins before my shift because it only takes about 10 mins(when I drive)- 15mins for someone else to get to my job. Then she calls back 15 mins later and said my aunt is gonna take me to work. I started to get nervous cus my aunt is slow as molasses and she's habitually late. There's no telling when she was gonna get there.

Well she got there but in my rush of tryin to get out of the house I forgot my keys for the store. So we had to turn around and go back to the house. I was extra frustrated. All kindsa stuff rushed to my head. This looks bad. My first day on the floor as manager and I'm late. All these things on my mind rushed to the forefront and I got so focused that I think I looked like I was about to pop a blood vessel. Then my aunt said,"What you over there thinking about?" I was like, "Lot's of things." She said,"You wanna talk about it?" I said, "It won't help." And she said, "Well tell me anyway." Daggone nosey family! Well I talked about it and she actually gave me the Word of the Lord. Amen. That helped me to be encouraged. Helped me repent (which means change your mind) and go into work with a different focus.

While I was in the car concentrating on all my problems, I realized where I'd started off wrong was that I didn't pray that morning nor did I read my Bible. Just a bad start off to my day. There's honestly a big difference. Plus after the Encounter last weekend I should have known better. You can't walk out the house without prayer. You need prayer to get through the day. To set the pace. God will cover you.

So I walk in and my other manager is already having a bad day. I was like we gotta change this. I went into the fitting room and I prayed. Actually my day started to get better after that.

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