Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Life as it is

My mind went back to a list that my spiritual mom had us write out in Bible study one night. I believe it was family and friends who needed to be saved. Well I saw my Dad tonight and he told me he went to church on Sunday. When he told me what the message was and that he realized he needed a change I was just praising God on the inside. Seeing people actually start to see Him is a wonderful and beautiful thing.

On a random note: I just wonder how it would affect society if as adults we were allowed to have recess as a part of the work day. Just to have half an hour to go out on the swings or get on the merry go round. To actually see people let loose. I think it'd be awesome.


  1. You dont know me but I love reading your blogs. They are so inspirational in many ways and also funny. May God keep blessing you with this wonderful gift to minister to ppl through creative writing. God bless!!!!

  2. This I AGREE WITH!!!! WE should soooo have recess!!!!! Great Job Errn:)
