Friday, April 15, 2005

That's it

U don't have to call~ Usher

I've been in the library since Monday. One day I was actually here from 9am-4pm. And I wonder why I'm losing weight. I barely got up to pee. As I've mentioned before, my computer is trash.....I don't think I've ever been in the library so much in my whole life. That's what happens to procrastinators. You end up spending more time doing it than you would if you had started earlier. Finally got done with all my projects. Next up FINALS! Pray for me. But now I can let loose!

I'm tryin to go to senior ball. I think me and my homie are gonna split a ticket price, but we're gettin it on sale because these prices are ridiculous! $150 for one night?! What's actually happening at this ball? Are we having champagne and caviar? Steak and Shrimp? Is Jay-z gonna perform? HIGHLY DOUBTFUL! So I refuse to pay full price. At first I wasn't pressed about this ball, but now I wanna go....My friend is lettin me borrow a dress. Like a true procrastinator I waited until the last minute. But I'm excited about this dress. It's red. I look good in red.

I think I'm more excited about gettin ready for the thing than the actual event. I'm such a girl. I can't wait to fix my make-up and hair, knowing its probaly gonna get sweated out. That's what happened to my home girl. Ah well, at least it will be cute for the pictures at the beginning of the night. Gotta remember to get a camera. No pics at the end of the night PLEASE. Who wants to remember how busted we looked at the end of senior ball?

1 comment:

  1. I'll be waiting with the camera when u get home :)

    -your roomie.
