I had a great day at the beach with my SRT fam. I just love those guys. Ima miss them. This is first year that I didn't have to bring my 'outside' friends on SRT events just so I would have fun.
Tell me why the SRT sponsor tried to tell me it was because of the mini skirt(the only one I own in the whole world) I was wearing that my teacher bumped my grade up two letters? I'd rather believe it was because he knew my potential and I did not deserve a D........
I don't know why I'm soo tired. I go to bed at a reasonable hour most of the time.
Senior ball pics are still on the way. I just gotta upload em. They're hot. Did I mention I had a great time at senior ball? Yeah, I definitely did. I'll write again when I have something productive to say. Right now I'm just babbling.
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