Saturday, April 09, 2005

Changes are acomin

This has been an interesting week. I finally got to play some pool. I ended up playing at a table with three guys that I had beaten last time I was there so they all had a vendetta against me. They were just waitin to play me. It was the only thing on their minds since I had beaten them. So there were some good games.I won, I lost. All in all it was a good day for pool.

On Wednesday, I tried to get some work done. I didn't get that much done. 112 came and Theory put me on assignment for WHOV. I was all up in it. I'm not the kind of person to get starstruck but they were really cool. Some girl behind was yellin at Q. "WHY are you so fine Q?! You are SOO fine!" In the midst of everything I lost my entire collection of new CD's including the last 112 that I was listening to all morning. I'm really sad about that. Watched Top Model.Thumbs up to the show for all those creative assignments. Thumbs down for puttin black women in red lipstick.....What do you do when you're hungry at 1 am? You cook! Or at least I do. My homie Rainman came over and we had some pasta and chicken over an interesting conversation about writing names on walls with questionable substances. Trust me, you don't wanna know.... (Didn't think I would write about that did ya?)

I decided to run away for the weekend. Rented a car with my lil sis and her homie's and went to Atlanta. I'm spontaneous like that. I shoulda gotten in touch with my Morehouse friends from facebook. Got a slight haircut. I'm still on the fence about going natural. I haven't had a perm in a year, but somehow I always break down and get one. I might actually do it this time. We'll see.

More than one person has told me not to get into trouble this week. First of all, do I look like I go looking for trouble? Secondly, I think I may have gotten into more trouble if I had stayed at home. And third, what kinda trouble could I get into in a strange city? WELL lets find out!

Plans for the weekend:

  1. Get a pedicure
  2. Find a possible senior ball gown
  3. Kidnap a Morehouse man
  4. Find Usher and see if the rumors are true
  5. Do some homework.

I need a change in my life. I think I might change my room around when I get home. I need a change of atmosperhere.

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