Sunday, April 24, 2005


Who do you tell your secrets to? I've kept a diary every since I was 11 years old. When I was younger I really didn't have anyone I could talk to. My aunt worked for American Greetings and she would give me all kinds of stationary and journals and I would write about anything, everything. I always wondered if my mom or sister ever read my diaries. If they did, they never said anything.

Now who do I tell my secrets to? If I can bring myself to even talk about them, I tell them to a few of my friends. I don't really like my business to be out there and my closest friends are in different states so its not like things get back to Hampton. I find it very hard to keep things from Milyaka and Tiff. They know just about everything. And sometimes I try to keep things from them and it just comes out. But its not like they care about the details of my life, they just listen because they love me. Tiff probably don't care, she's just nosy. But she's a good listener if you can keep her focused. And if I can't talk to them about it, it goes in my journal.

I'm tryin to get better at being a good friend. Sometimes I forget and I'm not considerate. You would think with all these overly sensitive friends I have that they might rub off on me. But really they just make me feel like they're taking things way too seriously when really their feelings are totally valid, its just not the way I would handle things.

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