Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Watch God work. Jus watch Him....

I had an experience with God this weekend that tops all my other experiences. I went to something like a retreat at my cousin's church called The Encounter. This one was for college age students and most of the people there went to Oral Roberts University. I went in real cool because that's how I do things, but I knew I couldn't alienate myself. I ended up seeing some people I knew from high school which is a plus. The Encounter lasted 3 days and even though I went home every night, I wanted to sleep as soon as I got there. We were put on a media fast for the weekend so that no outside influences would be in our system, meaning no phone, no internet, no music, no tv.

So during this weekend there were 10 sessions, covering everything from committment to love to sex to forgiveness. It's amazing how well rounded it was, but when God is leading he tells you everything you need to know. On several occassions the facilitator of the moment would tell everyone to "just start praying in the spirit" and everyone would begin to speak in "toungues". Now to "speak in toungues" is like speaking in a divine language, no one else can understand it. It's said to be a gift and it's also a gift to be able to interpret it which very few people can do. I'd never spoken in toungues so I figured that just wasn't my gift or I had never really recieved the holy spirit or to be honest I didn't know if people were faking it or not. There I am in a room full of people my age just outright speaking in toungues (I didn't even know it was possible to just go into it like that) and I just worship the way I know how...Thank you Jesus, Hallelujah... ya know the regular stuff.

I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to learned these lessons that were taught. The people teaching were truly annointed. I was sitting there so excited wishing all my friends were there because I KNOW they would have enjoyed it.

I got through Friday and Saturday then on Sunday we had one more session before church began. The facilitator taught this wonderful message about being armed with the Word of God so that we are able to fight the enemy. And I'm thinking this was a great weekend but I ain't get this whole "Encounter" with God that everyone was talking about. Then he calls for everyone to start "praying in the spirit" again. I do my thing, Thank you Jesus, Hallelujah. Then he says, "If anyone hasn't spoken in toungues and wants to recieve the gift come to the front right now." You know when God is speaking to you. There is no way I could have stayed in my seat after that.

I made my way to the front slowly. A guy ushered me to pray with one of the facilitators, student from ORU. She was a small girl with long black hair. So I took her hands, Hallelujah, Thank you Jesus. She starts speaking in toungues and before I know it tears are streaming and words I don't know are coming out of my mouth. After awhile something said, 'Ok that's enough you can sit down now. She says,"This is your gift. Don't stop." And it feels like God is pulling everything out of me. Everything I was struggling with, scared of, praying about. In the midst of it I'm yelling and speaking in toungues alternating between the two until I can't stand up. I sat on the floor just worshipping. It was like it was just me and God. The most personal thing I have ever experienced. I heard God say, "You don't EVER have to stop."


  1. i was raised in the church. my family is very religious, even if i am not so much anymore. but i never understood how it could be determined for you when it was your time to speak in tongues, or that you were even doing it correctly. i'm glad you received so much from your retreat, though. spiritual fulfillment is a blessing.

  2. If you are willing and you believe it in your heart, you can do it. You have to go towards Him and he will meet you there.
