Sunday, February 12, 2006


She is the best thing you never had
When she finds what she wants, she is relentless in pursuit
Behind her guarded exterior lies a heart
that can hold more love than the Atlantic Ocean
The 7 letters in her name keep a divine secret
The barrier can be broken with a single embrace
from the one she loves
Misunderstood, misinterpreted and misrepresented
She knows her worth still
Far more than rubies, diamonds and pearls
In search of someone who can stroke her silken hair
Who knows the depths of Jesus' love
and able to give freely of himself to only she
Eyes that hold the innocence of a child
Lips that can make a grown man blush
Put a stutter in his step and a rise in his.....
well you know
Intellect that would stun you
The playfulness of a teenager
Hope for all mankind sometimes leaves her vulnerable
so she retreats
to a place where no one can hurt her
But the Lord is sure to bring her out
because the world needs her love
Speaking truths too bold for some
and leaving others still with the mystery
To get to the sweet center
you have to crack the hard shell
Everything about her is understated
Afraid if she were to let go she might explode
Afraid of all she is capable of
Afraid of her potential
Knowing she is capable of all things
But does she believe?
The dawning of a new day
when she becomes more than she expected
In her weakness HE is made perfect