Saturday, February 04, 2006

complicated melody

I wish I had something to keep my mind busy. I guess I could be studying my Word huh? I got a call from the job that I want. I guess they were doing a pre-screening or something. Now I should know by next week if I have an interview or the job or what. I'm praying, praying, praying because this is an opportunity to go somewhere. I know that if I don't get it that its not my only opportunity, but I'm not even gonna act like I won't be disappointed. Cus I will be. VERY. I'm looking for a career, not another job.

At this point there are basically two things always nawing at my brain. Neither productive. One makes me worry, the other makes me sad. Resist temptation! I'm trying to be patient with my family. I'm not doing a very good job. My sister feels like she knows everything about me when she knows nothing. I feel like I'm everyone's gofer. Kita do this, Kita do that. Who am I? Cinderella?! No sir, I am not.

I am sooo excited about Vegas and now Milyaka is coming. Now, we don't do badly when we go on trips together only when we're visiting one another. So this is gonna be a good time.

I try to be nice but some people just make you be mean to them. For example, when they text you at 6am and then wonder why you don't like them.

I usually feel the same way about my movies as I do about music. I can only buy something that I can listen to or watch over and over again. I think I was a bit premature with Closer. I bought it because its different from most movies, but its a bit graphic to be watchin at anytime. You gotta be in the mood for it.

What am I gonna pack to go to Vegas? I feel like starting now.

I'm feeling random now. I do crazy things when I'm feeling random. Resist temptation!

I wrote a poem about myself. I feel like I just wrote my autobiography. It was an interesting collaboration of thoughts.

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