There are so many things I wanna talk about, I don't even know where to start!
Well first of all we finally got this site at Hampton called Where you can look up people around your school with common interests, high school friends and people from all over the the world! Its crazy and its addictive. Once you start and people start sending you messages and 'poking you', you just want more! So I'm tryin to get all my friends on there... You can check out my profile. AND another thing is you can search anyone by name. I found out there are 5 other people with my name! Exact same spelling and everything. And my name isn't that common....
I've changed my picture like 5 times since I joined and that was only two days ago.....Me and my roomie had to have another photoshoot of course! But we didn't take as many as last time. This one was much more intimate......low lighting, on the bed.....oh yeahhhhh. Just for y'all. It was nice.

A funny thing happened to me at Wal-Mart yesterday....I was cruisin the aisles pricing memory sticks cus I'm tired of carry all these floppy's around and I know I'm so technologically behind, when a guy comes up to me and says "You have a nice smile. Oh! And it again!". So we begin to converse and he's cute, a lil too short for me... but cute. He has an southern twang and I think, its gotta be Louisiana. Turns out I'm right! And his accent brings out my accent and we just sound all kindsa country. Next thing I know we've been talkin for like twenty minutes and I realize I don't know his name. At the end of our conversation I knew almost half his life and didn't know his name. So I ask him, I say nice to meet you and continue on my way..... He didn't ask for my number and I don't think that was the point of the conversation....I think he was lonely, people in this area are either in college or the military so its understandable being away from home and all. It was such a nice conversation. I had to write about it.
Oh yeah! I finally got my present from my secret Valentine........I'm kinda disappointed y'all. Its a lil pink bunny with a mirrored pastel bowtie. Not even big enough to cuddle with.*shaking my head* I guess I should be appreciative.....Its just after waiting that long, I was hoping for something more....and I was so proud of my gift for my secret Valentine......Oh well.....That's my complaining for the day. Back to the happy stuff!!
Spring Break is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm about to explode!!! Time to dance around the house lookin crazy. 'Ima maaaaniac, maaaniaaaac!!' Join in! You know you want to. I think it really will be a great time. I'm gonna rent a car so I can go joy riding if I want to, my birthday is Friday (the big two-two!) !! So exciting! Feel free to send your love.
Well first of all we finally got this site at Hampton called Where you can look up people around your school with common interests, high school friends and people from all over the the world! Its crazy and its addictive. Once you start and people start sending you messages and 'poking you', you just want more! So I'm tryin to get all my friends on there... You can check out my profile. AND another thing is you can search anyone by name. I found out there are 5 other people with my name! Exact same spelling and everything. And my name isn't that common....
I've changed my picture like 5 times since I joined and that was only two days ago.....Me and my roomie had to have another photoshoot of course! But we didn't take as many as last time. This one was much more intimate......low lighting, on the bed.....oh yeahhhhh. Just for y'all. It was nice.

A funny thing happened to me at Wal-Mart yesterday....I was cruisin the aisles pricing memory sticks cus I'm tired of carry all these floppy's around and I know I'm so technologically behind, when a guy comes up to me and says "You have a nice smile. Oh! And it again!". So we begin to converse and he's cute, a lil too short for me... but cute. He has an southern twang and I think, its gotta be Louisiana. Turns out I'm right! And his accent brings out my accent and we just sound all kindsa country. Next thing I know we've been talkin for like twenty minutes and I realize I don't know his name. At the end of our conversation I knew almost half his life and didn't know his name. So I ask him, I say nice to meet you and continue on my way..... He didn't ask for my number and I don't think that was the point of the conversation....I think he was lonely, people in this area are either in college or the military so its understandable being away from home and all. It was such a nice conversation. I had to write about it.
Oh yeah! I finally got my present from my secret Valentine........I'm kinda disappointed y'all. Its a lil pink bunny with a mirrored pastel bowtie. Not even big enough to cuddle with.*shaking my head* I guess I should be appreciative.....Its just after waiting that long, I was hoping for something more....and I was so proud of my gift for my secret Valentine......Oh well.....That's my complaining for the day. Back to the happy stuff!!
Spring Break is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm about to explode!!! Time to dance around the house lookin crazy. 'Ima maaaaniac, maaaniaaaac!!' Join in! You know you want to. I think it really will be a great time. I'm gonna rent a car so I can go joy riding if I want to, my birthday is Friday (the big two-two!) !! So exciting! Feel free to send your love.
Just thought I'd say keep up the good work!I came across your blog and found it enthralling.