Thursday, July 21, 2011

Looking back

Here's a list of the things I will not miss about my current job.

1. Working nights and weekends- This is when everybody does stuff. I'm not completely anti-social. I'm not extremely non-committal. I just have to work every time people plan stuff and everyone else is off.

2.The temptation- I work in my favorite clothing store, therefore I love everything that comes in. It's putting a dent in my bank account. I gotta move into a bigger apt to fit all my clothes.

3. Being on my feet all day- Although working there has been an everyday work out, I will be ok with starting at a gym.

4. Listening to music that I didn't request- There are some songs on the playlist that I really detest. (that rhymes lol!)

5. Cleaning up a place more than I clean my apt. - People are nasty.

6. Waiting for a relief person in order to leave- Some people just can't be on time.

7. Being asked to ask the same questions again and again

8. If I had a nemesis, her name would be M____ She ALWAYS comes in with a return.

9. People who don't know how to read their receipts or store marketing.

10. People who don't want to come to work.

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