Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Since I wrote early and my brain is working overtime these days, I have more to talk about.

I did my facebook stalking for the day, changed the profile, wrote on everyone's wall and updated the status. Now down to business.

This week I haven't been getting to bed before midnight. Dr. Munroe said the Anointing will keep you up at night. That explains things...

Last night's reason was because after church I was caught up in the parking lot talkin to my girl DeOrlean. We be acting like we don't ever wanna leave the church, I promise you! I love these times. I'm a big fan of deep conversations.

We were just talking about how this conference we're having at church is just confirming all the things God has been telling us. We talked about hearing the voice of God and what its like. For me, there have been times where I know clear as day that was God and then there are times that I wasn't so sure. But lately God has been speaking clearly and I have to obey or its just wrong. But that's what I asked for. I said Lord I need to hear you clearly, where there's no doubt that its you. It's a process though.

Milyaka went to New York this weekend and brought me this beautiful green bracelet! Thanks sis! And she dropped it off to me at church last night. Now she has this thing about me saying I have two best friends. At times she can be a bit possessive, only of me though. I say Tiff is my best friend too. So I was introducing her to my P-12 sister and before I can introduce her, she interjects saying,"I'm Milyaka. Her BEST FRIEND, even though I'm SECOND."

I rolled my eyes and I pulled her to the side. I was like I'm glad we're in the house of the Lord. *Ahem* I know you say you're joking, but everytime you say that it shows through as insecurity. There's no reason to be insecure, no one can take your spot. That's what this conference is about: knowing your spot is yours and it was made for you. No one else can be Milyaka. No one else can take your spot in my heart. Plus I'm glad I read that verse in Ephesians 5:4 about coarse joking.

She finally got it! Thank you Jesus! And because it was all said out of love. In everything we must act out of love. And a person who is in Christ will accept a rebuke or correction in love.

And as for the title of Best Friend, its just a title. Titles mean nothing. They don't give any authority. They only explain to the outside what can't really be explained. She's honestly my family. Her and Tiff. Cole too. I feel a kinship with them all, that's completely different from one to the the next. Because we connect on a spiritual level.

There's no competition when you know no one can take your place. I love that. I know I'm irreplaceable. So are you.

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