Monday, May 01, 2006

On the ro-ad

Seems like I'm gone just about every weekend and I love it! Went to Illinois for my cousins' wedding. It was so weird that she was getting married. As soon as I saw her she said, 'Hey cuh-cus!' That's what she calls me, Cuh-Cus. Brought me back to the last time I saw her, which I must say has been a very long time. She and my sister were really close because they're about the same age. Those two goof balls used to do the weirdest things.

Now, she's married. Everytime I go to a wedding, I sorta made a lil check list in my head: What not to do at my wedding.

First of all, I will NOT be doing anything ON my wedding day. Probably just hair, everything else will be taken care of before that day. I should be relaxed enough to go to a spa or something. Everyone will be referred to someone else. I have decided to put my sister and Milyaka in charge of most things. My sister because she's bossy and used to delegating, Milyaka because she's organized. I don't wanna hear about no problems, I ain't giving no directions, I ain't pickin nobody up from the airport, none of that. Just put me in the dress, send me down the aisle, on to the reception and off to the honeymoon.

Secondly, sit the flower girl(s) and ring bearer down after they get down the aisle. They tend to get antsy.

Thirdly, no toungue with the kiss. It's so traumatiziing to those who have to watch. Y'all know how I feel about PDA. Yes, even on the wedding day. It can still be romantic without being outrageous. Save all that for the honeymoon.

Aw, it was so cute watching her reminisce with her bridesmaids about their college days. They brought up what she said she would do on her wedding day back in college. She said, "When I get married I'ma have my bridesmaids stand in the aisle, and say ,'Bridesmaids! BREAK IT DOWN! Pump it, pump it, pump it!'" And did three booty pops. I was crackin up. Sounds like something me and Tiff would say.

She had twelve bridesmaids and the way things are going looks like I'ma have at least eight. I got 4 heartbeats, 2 sisters, 2 fraternal twins from other mothers, my bunny and who knows who might come up. If my fiancee has goodness. My cousin's wedding was beautiful. There were tears but it was all good.

My sister and I made it through the weekend without killing one another. Aside from the 10 hrs there and back, we didn't spend any extra time together. We were already talking about needing separate rooms when we got there.

Oh but there are so many more road trips to go. That's the kinda thing you can do when you don't have a real job. Leave on a whim. Might as well do it while I'm young.

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