Wednesday, May 24, 2006

In the deep dark abyss of my brain

You ever wonder where some pictures you know you've taken have gone? You remember where you've taken them and who took em, but you never see them. Kinda scary to me. You never know what people could be doing with those pics and who they're showing them to. Can I give my permission? I guess I released my rights when I posed for the picture, huh?

You ever been just going on with life and then you see a face you hadn't expected to see in an unexpected place and almost die? I did. Yesterday. My heart almost stopped while lookin through facebook. I saw a face that I hadn't seen in about two years. I guess I have some unresolved issues.....

I was lookin through my phone the other day and I realized I have all these numbers in there that I don't call, won't call or have no reason to call, and I can't bring myself to erase them. There was a time when I would be quick to erase a number. It was almost a reflex. Did it without thinkin. Some of you have been a victim. But now I can't seem to do it. I dunno why.

That Juanita Bynum is on point. I'm so in awe of her spirit. I was listening to one of her CD's about marriage and she said she didn't mean to get on that subject but God pulled her that way. She started out talking about intimacy in marriage, how wives need to set their spiritualness aside when it comes time for lovin. Put that Bible down and put on a negligee! Go'on to Fredrick's and Victoria's Secret. She's a mess! One thing she said is, 'God help me to be a wife and not a knife.' I like that she points out that just because people get married they think that automatically makes them a wife or a husband. Not so. That's why the Bible says "He who findeth a wife, findeth a good thing." You should be a wife before you get married. It's a responsibility that goes beyond the title. Not saying I'm thinkin about marriage at this time, just learning some lessons for when it comes.

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