Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Gimme some work to do

Well that whole "me not wanting to be around people" thing didn't work out so well. I ended up repenting all day. First, I had to say Lord forgive me. Then, I had to say it to the friends I had snapped on.

It was that womens' thing. One of my group members said,'Did you take something for it?' I said, 'Oh I didn't have cramps, I just had an attitude.' What do you take for that? Prayer. Because I knew I was oh so wrong. We all laughed it off.

Didn't get to see Fred K. Price. But tomorrow, definitely going to see Creflo Dollar. That's the homie there.

1 comment:

  1. i hadn't been by to visit in a little bit, so i wanted to drop a note say hey. hope all is well and you are feeling up to your social butterfly self again. :)
