Thursday, July 13, 2006

To give is better

Did you know suffering was a spiritual gift? Have you ever been glad NOT to get a gift? But its a gift because those people are able to endure and be an example to others who are going through.

Suffering. The extraordinary ability to endure hardship, pain, and distress with an amount of joy and fortitude to inspire others to endure their suffering and to lead others to accept God's offer of salvation made possible in Christ's suffering (p. 180).
Matthew 16:24, Mark 8:34, John 18:11, Romans 8:17,
2 Corinthians 11:23-27; 12:1-10, Philippians 1:29ff., 1 Peter 4:12-14

I found this when I was looking more into my spiritual gifts. I took this spiritual gifts test through my purity class. Its crazy because I didn't do it when I was supposed to. When I finally did it, it was confirmation of things others had spoken into my life and things I'd heard from God.

What are your gifts? Everyone has them.


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