Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Don't be afraid......


This weather is not working with my hair. Its entirely too humid. My hair just blows up. I think I might have to wait until fall to wear my hair straight. Oh well I'm the one that wanted to go natural. This is the ultimate test, if I can make it through the summer without breaking down and getting a perm. I've never done this before.

Once I do my hair, there's like these rebel strands that curl up at the first sign of humidity.

That Date My Mom show is crazy. Some of these mom's are too much. This one mom is comin on to the kid that's tryin to date her daughter. He said, "I don't wanna date your daughter, I wanna date you." Eew. Good thing she's married.

I give up. I'm not straightening my hair until November.

Here's some more randomness for ya:

  1. I miss you homie. Life just ain't the same without you.
  2. I know you've been giving and giving and you feel unappreciated, just know you are a huge blessing and you will be blessed.
  3. I'm really uncomfortable about what you did, but I hope you've learned your lesson.
  4. I knew what kind of person you are when I met you, but I didn't know your game was that tight.
  5. I don' t know what you wanted from me, but the fact that you haven't called says a whole lot.
  6. You're starting to irritate me.
  7. I wish you would quit fakin and just be you.
  8. I love you.
  9. Why do you keep popping up in my dreams?
  10. I'm sorry.

Sometimes it helps to just say some things. Take them as you want.

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