Got off to a slow start today. I haven't gotten to the bathroom yet. Plan to tidy up the eyebrows. Haven't done that yet. Still need to put on a shirt although I've been dressed for a couple hours now.
But I have watched some quality television.I watched Date my Mom on MTV and it pretty funny. One mom actually said "F*** you Sean!". Because he didn't pick her daughter. I watched Teamates on ESPN. It was cute, like The Newlyweds show for teammates. Then I caught up on my show Blow Out. I watch it but I don't understand why he gets to charge $200 for a haircut. He does the same thing to everyone and he's slow! He calls every woman a 'babe'. And he cries a lot. They even get to sit in on his therapy sessions. This episode he was doing a fashion show and the designer is yelling at him to hurry because he wants to touch everyone's hair. WE GOT A SHOW TO DO HERE PEOPLE, KEEP IT MOVIN!
I found a typing test online and I have found I need to up my typing score. The fastest I typed was 45 wpm and that's not good enough. If I typed faster I could finish my blog in like 5 mins. Instead on average it takes about half an hour. Longer when I stop to contemplate life.
I had to note that Tiff said I was going to marry someone with a biblical name. She says, "Its gonna be something like Exodus Leviticus Jones." Yeah, Ok Tiff. As soon as I meet Exodus, we're running to the alter. Just because YOU said so.
I read an article in Rolling Stone about Jessica Alba. I think I like that girl. She seems like she would be cool to hang out with. There's something funny she said about the type of girls she hates:
"I can't stand that girl: the poor little girl you have to rescue, the crazy girl," she says. "Its annoying. Stop."
"The more insecure the man, the more likely he will love the crazy girl. And most women who are hot are crazy. Because they don't need to have it together."
Then later on in the article, she talks about her boyfriend and says:
"If I found someone messing with him, I would cut them. It's not even a question of how much I would f*** them up."
That doesn't sound crazy to you? Still gotta love her. You better take up for your man Jessi!
My girls want me to go to a club with them tonight. I don't know it I'm up to it. Not one more night of disappointment.....
Yeah that's about it, now I gotta get back to my obsessive cleaning.
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