Friday, May 20, 2005

Doing nothin....

Sometimes I just write about things that I've been thinking about rather than what I've done through out the day because......I don't be doin nothin....And I need to get some things off my mind and chest. So I write about stuff that me and my friends are talking about or stuff on TV.

I think I've asked this question before, but is it bad to let a guy take you out just cus you wanna see a movie and you're broke even if you're not interested in the dude....?

This guy is another one of those dudes from the past that I was never really interested in then and now has gotten the nerve to ask me out. I'll tell you this: the odds are not in his favor. But hey I ain't got nothin else to do...

I'll try not to be too rude, sometimes my smart-ass comments just slip out.

I was cracking up at t h e o r y's comments on my last post. I never thought of my glasses as "seductive". That's an incentive to wear them more often. My other friend said they make me look like Ms. Frizzle from The Magic Schoolbus. Hmmm....Those are two very different interpretations.

My time in Tulsa is my detox time. Cooling down period. Time to think. That can be a good thing and a bad thing. Ya know "an idle mind......" blah blah blah as the saying goes.

1 comment:

  1. i finally figured out i could comment by clicking other instead of blogger...

    i'm so slow, but hi!

    errr, i'm not so sure if it's wrong to go for the fact, i'll go head and call that perfectly alright. shoot, the dude probably knows you're uninterested anyway, and if not he'll figure it out. i support!

    i should stop over to blogspot more often, this place is fancy!
